Belvin Reed, RN, BSN,
Public Health Nurse Manager
Send an Email
Phone: 732-493-9520 x 103
FAX: 732-493-9521
1540 West Park Avenue
Ocean Township, NJ

I Tested Positive for COVID-19, Now What?

Consider donating plasma after you fully recovered with the Red Cross or Hackensack Meridian

If you test positive for COVID-19 it is most likely that you will have a mild case and can manage your symptoms at home. Monitor and record your symptoms every day. If possible, take your temperature twice a day.  Drink lots of fluids (avoid caffeine and alcohol), increase your intake of Vitamin C and Zinc, and take fever reducing medications when needed. 

Most importantly, isolate yourself at home away from family or other household members. If you must use shared areas like the bathroom, wear a mask, and sanitize any areas you touched. Prepare your home so that you have an identified isolation room for anyone who is sick. If possible, activities such as sleep, eating and reading should be in that room.

Sick Leave Information

Stay home when you are sick. Earned Sick Leave is the law in New Jersey. As of October 2018, employers of all sizes must provide full-time, part-time, and temporary employees with up to 40 hours of earned sick leave per year so they can care for themselves or a loved one.

For more information about Testing Positive for COVID visit:

NJ Residents with a Positive COVID-19 Test: Instructions & Next Steps 

How Long Do I Need to Stay in COVID-19 Isolation or Quarantine?

NJ Department of Health COVID-19 Webpage

Donate Plasma