Care of Skin after Summer

Caring for your skin goes beyond the summer months. Remember that temperature has no bearing on the ultra violet rays from the sun. Being overexposed to the sun without using the prescribed preventions can lead to sunburn.

Have you ever noticed a snow skier with a burn and they claim it is a wind burn? Actually it is sunburn from the ultra violet A and ultra violet B (UVA/UVB) sun's rays refracting off the snow.

Parents might not think to apply sunblock before letting their children go out to sleigh, have snowball competitions, build snowmen and play in the winter months. When kids come in from the cold, parents think that their children are red from playing. Remember to use the appropriate sunblock with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher that blocks both UVA and UVB rays.

During the months after summer, it is recommended that you do your monthly self-exams and remember to have an annual Dermatologist appointment. Check your skin for skin damage including these warning signs:

•Wrinkling that shows up as shallow indentations
•Lines typically on the forehead and around the eyes and mouth
•Skin becoming rough when it used to be supple
•Discoloration is also a symptom of poor skin health behavior
•Droopy soft tissue skin

The more pronounced indicators from these symptoms, the harsher the problem. Symptoms indicate an increase in the chance of skin cancer. Don't forget to moisturize, cover with sunblock and remember that summer is not the only time to be aware of good skin care behavior.

For more information about skin care, visit your health care professional or the American Academy of Dermatology Website: