Public Health Question

Presented By
Monmouth County Regional Health Commission No. 1

November, 2017

 Should I use hand sanitizer or regular soap to wash my hands during cold and flu season?


Washing your hands with soap and water for 20 or more seconds (equal to singing the Happy Birthday song) is best almost every time. Dull as it may be, hand washing is the most basic way of preventing sickness because so many communicable diseases are transmitted by our hands. If soap and water are not available, then use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.


Hand washing is one of the most important ways you can keep from getting sick and spreading germs to others! Germs and chemicals from unwashed hands can get into our foods and drinks when they’re being prepared or when we’re eating or drinking them, which can make us sick. Also, germs and chemicals from unwashed hands can be transferred to other objects, like cellphones, table tops, computer keyboards or toys, and then transferred to other people’s hands.

Unlike hand sanitizers, hand washing removes bacteria or germs on your hands. Using soap loosens the dirt and oils from your hands and help to remove more bacteria than using just water.